Senator Ken LaValle on the passing of Governor Mario Cuomo

Kenneth P. LaValle

January 5, 2015


 “The first Italian-American Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo and I shared a heritage.  As Senator, I maintained a good working relationship with Mario over the 12 years he served as Governor.  We spoke often with many of the calls emanating from our homes.  Mario was bright, erudite and a strong advocate for his beliefs.  A captivating speaker, he forcefully represented his position even when it was politically unpopular.  We worked side-by-side on preserving the Pine Barrens, shuttering the Shoreham Nuclear Plant, and improving education.  A well respected leader and a dedicated public servant; his contributions to New York will be missed.

The Mario Cuomo years will be judged as  strong and productive for the people of New York. He governed with a touch of class as he worked tirelessly to produce for the people.

Matilda Cuomo, who brought a sense of style and refinement to the Capitol, has suffered a great loss.  Governor Andrew Cuomo will sorely miss Mario as a father, role model and mentor.  My heart goes out to the entire Cuomo family.  I'm saddened by his loss; my thoughts and prayers are with the Cuomo family.”



