Senator Ken LaValle Reports Revised Draft Of Mute Swan Management Plan Released
Kenneth P. LaValle
March 11, 2015
- Environment
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation issued new draft for comments from public
March 10, 2015 - Senator Ken LaValle reports that the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has just issued a revised draft of its “Management Plan For Mute Swans in New York”. The Department has made alterations to the initial draft of the plan issued in December 2013, which drew unfavorable responses from many individuals and organizations.
Senator LaValle said, “On the initial review of the revised draft, I am pleased that the DEC has heard our concerns and has begun to move in the right direction. However, the plan still allows for the destruction of these birds on Long Island in certain circumstances. Mute Swans should only be destroyed as the absolute last resort, and only when they are posing public danger. I look forward to a final plan, with proper management, that achieves these goals.”
The Department of Environmental Conservation is now accepting comments on the Revised Draft Mute Swan Management Plan through April 24, 2015. Remarks on the revised draft plan may be submitted in writing through April 24 to: NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife, Swan Management Plan, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4754 or by e-mail to FW.wildlf@dec.ny.gov (type “Swan Plan” in the subject line).
The document can be downloaded at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7076.html