Senator Marc Panepinto Secures $2.9 Million from NYSED in Back Payments for the Lake Shore Central School District

Marc Panepinto

March 11, 2015

Senator Panepinto pushed the State Education Department into making overdue payments that were owed to the Lake Shore Central School District (Evans-Brant) for providing educational services to Native American Students since 2010

ALBANY, N.Y. – Senator Marc Panepinto was pleased to make the following announcement:

“This $2.9 million state reimbursement is great news for Lake Shore Central Schools which, like many other schools districts across Western New York, have been operating at a significant funding disadvantage since the recession. After working with school administrators and teachers to bring this equity issue to light, I was pleased to see that the SED was responsive to our call.  As I have said since the beginning of this process, no school district should ever have to operate without funds they are owed for teaching our children. After 5 long years, the Lake Shore School District, and the Native American population it serves, will finally have some of that education aid restored.”

-          Senator Panepinto will introduce legislation that will ensure that other school districts do not face the same delays and problems when waiting for state reimbursements. ​His bill, which will require the State to make payments for these types of services within 180 days, would also change the reimbursement structure from per service to per pupil for schools that serve Native American students.