Saftey Tips for Cold Weather

Martin J. Golden

January 27, 2015

Below are a few safety tips published by the American Red Cross to follow for cold weather and home fire prevention. Please feel free to share and post through social media:

*Wear layers of lightweight clothing to stay warm.

*Be extremely careful if you have to shovel snow. Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated.

*Watch for hypothermia and frostbite. Hypothermia symptoms include confusion, dizziness, exhaustion and severe shivering. Frostbite symptoms include numbness, flushed gray, white, blue or yellow skin discoloration, numbness, or waxy feeling skin.

*Don’t forget your pets – keep them indoors. If they can’t come inside, make sure they have enough shelter to keep them warm and that they can get to unfrozen water.

*Heating fires are the second leading cause of home fires. Be safe when heating your homes particularly with fire places and space heaters.