Martin J. Golden

December 2, 2015

Brooklyn– State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn), the Chair of the New York State Senate Civil Service and Pensions Committee, today is announcing that Governor Cuomo has signed into a law a bill passed by the New York State Senate, which he sponsored, that will help protect emergency medical service paramedics or technicians serving New York. 

Senate Bill S. 4839 amends the law to  provide stronger protection for emergency medical service paramedics and technicians, who, while performing their assigned duties, are attacked by individuals who intend to cause bodily injury to these public servants. (A. 7345, Assemblymembers Rodriguez/Clark). No longer will the intent of the assailant to hinder an emergency medical paramedic/technician’s ability to perform duties be a burden of proof. Any harm committed, despite intent, to EMS personnel will now be a felony.

Senator Golden stated, “Emergency medical service paramedics and technicians are required to treat patients under extremely dangerous and stressful conditions, and deliberate, violent attacks against these public servants are, sadly, not uncommon. Therefore, EMS paramedics and technicians should be offered every protection under the law. This bill ensures that, in those cases in which there is proof that an individual intended to injure one of these professionals while on duty, that perpetrator can be prosecuted as a felon. We must do everything in our power to protect those who are there for us in times of need.”

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