Statement by Senator Golden on City Council’s Irresponsible Resolution Urging Clemency for Convicted Terrorist
Martin J. Golden
June 12, 2015
Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today has issued the following statement denouncing City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the other forty members of the New York City Council for their vote to support a resolution asking President Obama to grant clemency to convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera:
“It is inconceivable that the Council of the City New York, the City that suffered the largest terrorist attack on American soil in history, is looking to release a terrorist from jail because they believe his being in jail ‘serves no legitimate purpose.’ Each of the New York City Councilmembers who supported this resolution should ponder the severity of the message they have sent all New Yorkers and Americans.
If the New York City Council truly believes that Oscar Lopez Rivera should be immediately released from prison, they should talk to the families of those that died, or were injured, to see if they believe his jail time is warranted. I strongly urge President Barack Obama to dismiss this erroneous resolution that is terribly wrong at so many levels.
Law enforcement throughout our City, State and Nation continue to do everything in their power to protect us from new threats of terrorism. As such, it is dangerous and counterproductive to ever consider freedom for any convicted terrorists serving out their sentencing.”