Statement by Senator Golden on Sandy Recovery Fund Oversight

Martin J. Golden

June 18, 2015

ALBANY– State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is announcing that the New York State Senate has passed legislation he sponsored, S. 5231A, that will necessitate oversight of Superstorm Sandy recovery funds. The legislation will require the New York State Division of Budget to oversee, track and report on how the State expends funds that are allocated or set aside for help with the recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. 

The report would detail the total amount of Hurricane Sandy funding received by the State, the process by which such funding was distributed and the identity of the funding recipients.  Additionally, the information will include the number of jobs created by such funding, an analysis of whether the funding achieved its intended purpose and the distribution of funding by county and municipality.

Senator Marty Golden stated, “My district was severely affected by Superstorm Sandy and our infrastructure, our homes and businesses, are still rebuilding in its aftermath. This legislation will provide accountability of the relief funding that has, and will be, made available to New York. It is vitally important that New Yorkers have confidence that the funding allocated to improve and rebuild homes, streets, parks and businesses, is in fact doing just that.”

A. 7261A, sponsored by Assemblyman James Brennan (D-Brooklyn), was approved by the New York State Assembly this week. The bill will now be sent to the Governor for review.