Results: 2015 Constituent Questionnaire

Michael H. Ranzenhofer

June 22, 2015

Senator Ranzenhofer has released the results of the 2015 Constituent Questionnaire.  Thousands of residents filled out the 14-question survey either by mail, via Facebook or at Senator Ranzenhofer's website. 


1. Do you believe that New York State is headed in the right direction?

Yes - 21%

No - 57%

Undecided - 22%


2. How would you rate New York's economy?

Good - 5%

Strong and Improving - 11%

Average - 43%

Weak and Worsening - 33%

Poor - 8%


3. What matters to you? This year, the Legislature is expected to consider many policies designed to meet the pressing challenges facing New Yorkers. Please choose all those that are important to you:

Reducing costs on hard-working families - 3,028

Cutting wasteful spending - 4,156

Creating more jobs - 2,671

Delivering tax relief - 3,183

Increasing school aid - 1,484

Improving health care - 1,672

Reforming government - 3,632

Keeping college affordable - 2,010


4. Are you satisfied with the quality of your local public schools?

Yes - 55%

No - 26%

Undecided - 19%


5. Common Core Curriculum: Common Core is a new set of national education standards in the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics in grades K-12, established with the intent to increase college and career readiness.  How do you feel about the Common Core Curriculum?

Support - 15%

Oppose - 46%

It's too early to tell - 17%

Not sure - 16%

Not applicable - 6%


6. $5 Billion Windfall: New York State has received more than $5 billion from numerous bank settlements.  What should receive the majority of funding from these one-time settlement funds?

Repairing local roads and bridges - 51%

Eliminating the remaining $1 billion in the GAP Elimination Adjustment that has negatively impacted school districts and property taxpayers - 28%

Additional tax relief - 21%


7. NY Dream Act: Several downstate legislators have introduced the so-called "New York Dream Act."  This measure would allow undocumented, illegal immigrants who meet in-state tuition requirements to access State financial aid.  Do you support the NY Dream Act?

Yes - 9%

No - 84%

Undecided - 14% 


8. Property Tax Cap: New York State has a property tax cap which limits the growth in property tax increases to 2 percent or less. Do you support making the tax cap permanent?

Yes - 75%

No - 11%

Undecided - 14%


9. Do you support the STAR and Enhanced STAR property tax relief programs?

Strongly support - 78%

Somewhat support - 14%

Undecided - 4%

Somewhat oppose - 1%

Strongly oppose - 1%

No opinion - 2%


10. NY SAFE Act: The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, commonly known as the NY SAFE Act, is a gun control law in the State of New York.  Do you think the NY SAFE Act should be repealed?

Yes - 71%

No - 23%

Undecided - 7%


11. Minimum Wage: New York's minimum wage recently increased from $8 an hour to $8.75 an hour.  At the end of 2015, the wage will rise again to $9. The Governor has proposed further boosting the wage to $10.50 an hour by 2017.  Would you support or oppose increasing the minimum wage a third time?

Support - 40%

Oppose - 47%

Undecided - 13%


12. New York is Home Bill: A bill has been introduced in the Legislature, known as the "New York is Home" bill, which would allow illegal immigrants to vote, run for office and receive State benefits.  The proposal would disregard Federal law by providing amnesty to millions of noncitizens living the Empire State.  Would you support this measure?

Strongly support - 3%

Somewhat support - 3%

Undecided - 4%

Somewhat oppose - 7% 

Strongly oppose - 83%

No opinion - Less than 1%


13. / 14. Quality of Life: In your view, what is the one action New York could take in 2015 to improve your quality of life? As your State Senator, what can I do to better represent you and your family in the New York State Senate?

Taxes - 817

Repeal SAFE Act - 215

Senior citizens - 195

Infrastructure - 172

Oppose illegal immigrants - 163

Jobs - 159

Property and school taxes - 130

Support public education - 125

Against welfare - 125

Reduce health care costs - 118

Upstate vs. Downstate - 99

Stop Common Core - 73

Support small business - 57

Environment - 52

College finance, generally - 37

Veterans - 21