Statement: Senator Ortt Addresses Senate Leadership

Robert G. Ortt

May 11, 2015

Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I – North Tonawanda) today issued the following statement regarding State Senate leadership. 

“Senator Skelos’ decision to step down as majority leader was the right thing to do for the conference and for the state. While last week may have shown differences of opinions among Senate Republicans, we emerged from a leadership vote today as a united group. I congratulate Senator Flanagan on his election to majority leader and look forward to working with him to create jobs, lower taxes, keep spending down, and properly invest in education and infrastructure. Now is the time to put the people of New York first and address these issues and the issues that go against our second amendment rights. I stand unwavering in my efforts to repeal the unconstitutional SAFE Act, and hope our new leader will stand with me to get this done.”