Hispanic Clergy to Protest Con Edison’s Abusive Acts

Ruben Diaz

April 28, 2015

What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

Hispanic Clergy to Protest Con Edison’s Abusive Acts

You should know that together with Pastor Ricardo Guzman and the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization, I will be holding a press conference on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 12:00 noon in front of the Iglesia Pentecostal Jehova Shalom located at 1729 Boston Road on the corner of East 174th Street in the Bronx to denounce the discriminatory and abusive acts committed by Con Edison against Black and Hispanic businesses and homeowners.

These abuses force businesses and homeowners in minority communities to pay thousands of dollars for Con Ed's own negligence and destruction of their sidewalks and sewer pipelines.

I am State Senator Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

For further information, please contact Ann Noonan at (646) 251-6069.