Senator Ruben Diaz’s Education Bill S165 Passes Unanimously

Ruben Diaz

May 20, 2015

What You Should Know
By Senator Rev Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

Senator Ruben Diaz’s Education Bill S165 Passes Unanimously

You should know that on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, New York State Senate Bill 165 that I sponsored passed unanimously 62- 0. This bill prohibits the use of lottery funds for any purpose other than education and prohibits co-mingling with funds for other purposes.

You should also know that I hope and pray that this legislation will become law and ease some of the financial burdens that New York families face as they fight for their children’s educational needs.

It is outrageous that these resources that were meant to be used for education, have been tampered with to do anything except what they were intended to do: subsidize New York State’s elementary and secondary education.
Ladies and gentlemen, we all need to remain vigilant so that finally, the Lottery will be able to fulfill the initial promise to be a supplemental source of funds for education throughout New York State.

You should also know that this bill, before being signed by the Governor and becoming law, has to be passed by the Assembly. The prime sponsor of this bill in the Assembly is Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda.

This is Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.