Senator Ruben Diaz's Email to NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Iver M. Anderson

Ruben Diaz

September 30, 2015



SUBJECT: Application ID: 2-6007-00015/00030

Dear Mr. Anderson:

I am herewith, as a State Senator and on behalf of the residents of the 32nd Senatorial District which I represent in the Bronx, expressing my opposition to the request by the Action Environmental Systems LLC, located at 920 East 132nd Street in the Bronx to modify their permit to include Sundays.

It is well known, and statistics will verify this, that the Bronx - especially the South Bronx - has the highest rate of asthma and other respiratory illness. To expand the operational services provided by the Action Environmental Systems LLC means the community will have to suffer from another day of polluted air in an already environmentally overburdened community.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

900 Rogers Place

Bronx, New York 10459