Felder: City Must Stop Illegal American Flag Burning Rally

Simcha Felder

July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015 (Brooklyn) – State Senator Simcha Felder, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Cities and former NYC Councilmember who instituted the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance before every Council meeting, issued the following statement:

 “I join my colleague, Senator Marty Golden, in calling upon Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver to immediately arrest any “DisarmNYPD” protesters who attend tonight’s unlawful event and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. They do NOT have a permit. These anarchists must abide by the law just like anyone else. If they hate this country so much, I’d be happy to sponsor a one-way ticket to North Korea or Iran.

I am sick and tired of NYPD’s finest being attacked mercilessly by every hate group for protecting New Yorkers. Our police force regularly risks their own life and limb to ensure our safety.”