City of Poughkeepsie Fire Department and Gunther Family Travels to Albany to Pay Tribute to Fallen Firefighters

Susan Serino

October 7, 2015

City of Poughkeepsie Fire Department and Gunther Family Travels to Albany to Pay Tribute to Fallen Firefighters


ALBANY, NY—Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park), was in Albany on Tuesday October 7, 2015, to honor New York State Fallen Firefighters at the Empire State Plaza’s Memorial.

Among those honored was City of Poughkeepsie Firefighter Tim Gunther. Members of the City of Poughkeepsie Fire Department and Gunther’s family (pictured above) traveled to Albany to join with the families of seven other firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty this year to be recognized and honored by state officials and fellow firefigthers.

Senator Serino addressed those gathered at the Memorial to speak in memory of these courageous firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the communities of New York State and to thank their families and communities as well.

“These individuals define heroism,” said Senator Serino. “Tim Gunther was a pillar in our community and his legacy as such will live on through his courageous family, the dedication of his fellow firefighters and in the community that he inspired each and every day. While words will never be enough to truly thank these individuals—and their families—for their selfless actions, we will be forever grateful for his sacrifice, and for the sacrifice of firefighters across the state.”


