Senator-Elect Sue Serino Officially Sworn Into Office

Sue Serino

January 5, 2015

Hyde Park, NY—Numerous supporters, family members and local officials gathered today at The Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library & Home in Hyde Park to witness the swearing in of newly elected State Senator Sue Serino (R-Hyde Park). Senator Serino was elected to serve the people of the 41st Senate District in a decisive victory in November. She is the first woman elected to represent the district in the State Senate.

“Words cannot express my incredible gratitude to the people of the 41st Senate District for this honor and privilege to serve in the State Senate,” said Senator Serino. “Throughout the campaign, as I traveled from the most northern town in Dutchess to the most southern in Putnam County, it was clear that the voters wanted a strong, independent voice—someone who will put people before politics. As I have done in my previous elected positions, my voice will echo your concerns, and as your State Senator, my actions will reflect what is best for the people of this district.”

Senator Serino was joined by her husband Mark and her son Anthony, as Judge Brands delivered the Oath of Office.

Another swearing in ceremony was held previously in Putnam County on New Year’s Eve. The event was organized by the Putnam County Legislature and held at the Old Putnam County Courthouse. There, the Oath was delivered by Judge Reitz as Senator Serino vowed to fulfill her duties as a state lawmaker.

“It is especially important to me that residents of both Dutchess and Putnam counties know that they have a representative in Albany who will fight to ensure that their needs are being met,” said Senator Serino.  “As a means to meet those needs, I will work to deliver much needed resources to improve our local infrastructure, provide more equitable education funding for our local school districts, and strive to give local governments and our business community more flexibility by eliminating onerous regulations that hinder growth and raise local taxes.”

Serino added, “My practice as a public servant has been, and will continue to be, to listen before governing.”

“I fully intend to hit the ground running this Legislative Session to ensure that our campaign message of cutting taxes and creating jobs goes beyond rhetoric to become a reality.  I know that working together, with the continued support of our communities, we can make a real difference for the people of the 41st Senate District.” Senator Serino concluded.