Serino: Public Sent Clear Message

Sue Serino

May 22, 2015


Serino: Public Sent Clear Message

Senator Serino Comments on Mills Mansion Public Forum


Hyde Park, NY—Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park) released the following statement in response to Tuesday’s public forum regarding Mills Mansion:

“I was overwhelmed by the turnout for the forum—it was made abundantly clear that this is an issue constituents are incredibly passionate about and I thank Assemblywoman Barrett, Commissioner Harvey and all those in attendance for being receptive to and engaging in this kind of open dialogue.

I govern by listening and what I heard is this: while our neighbors are open to entering a public-private partnership to benefit and preserve the Mills Norrie State Park and Staatsburg State Historic Sight, they are not in support of a 40-year lease proposal that would include the Mills Mansion site.

Therefore, while I remain open to exploring creative ways to preserve the site I cannot support the bill under consideration, A. 6622, which adds the Main House to the list of properties that could be leased or licensed for forty years. It is my sincere hope that State Parks will take all of the comments into consideration and amend the bill to remove the provision so that we may move forward with our efforts to preserve the Mansion’s historic and natural integrity.”

