Murphy secures $10 mil funding for accelerated road paving
Terrence P. Murphy
June 25, 2015
BREWSTER, NY - After months of advocating for additional funds to address the Hudson Valley's crumbling infrastructure, Senator Terrence Murphy announced today that key thoroughfares within the 40th Senate District are set to benefit from an additional $75 million in accelerated paving projects.
"Earlier this year I joined my colleagues in successfully securing an additional $50 million in CHIPS funding to address the harsh conditions of our roads following last year's brutal winter," said Murphy. "Having heard from the local officials across my district it was clear that they needed more assistance than was originally provided to ensure our roads are safe for everyone."
On Monday, Governor Cuomo announced $75 million for accelerated paving projects which would be used to resurface nearly 428 miles of state highway across New York. These funds are in addition to allocation approved by the legislature this past March which is estimated to cover 2,311 miles of state roads.
Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney said, "This investment in our roads is long overdue - residents of the Hudson Valley have seen first-hand the damage that severe winter weather has had on our infrastructure. Paving our roads will make it safe and easier for residents to get to school and work and will grow our local economy by creating good-paying jobs."
Of the nine projects approved for the Hudson Valley four are in the 40th Senate District. The Department of Transportation estimates the projects will cost $10,000,000 and will include:
- Route 123 from Conate Valley Road to Route 35 in Lewisboro;
- Route 172 from Route 22 in the town of Bedford to Route 137 in the town of Pound Ridge;
- Route 116 from Route 22 to Route 121 in the town of North Salem;
- Route 312 from Route 6 to Interstate 84 in the Town of Southeast
"I was sent to Albany to represent the people of the Hudson Valley and claw back vital dollars for these kind of projects," continued Senator Murphy. "Ensuring the safety of our roads is a long term investment that I committed to. Not only are we going to be improving the safety of our roads but we will be creating good paying jobs right in our backyard."
According to the Department of Transportation these paving projects are expected to begin in the Spring of 2016, and be completed by the Fall of 2016.