Senate Passes Croci Veterans Benefits Bills

Thomas D. Croci

May 19, 2015


Senator Tom Croci’s Veterans bills package includes significant property tax exemptions for active military members, a change in military and election law affecting deceased Veterans, and a major benefit to assist returning war-zone members in seeking additional employment opportunities

The Senate today passed a package of Veterans legislation sponsored by Senator Thomas D. Croci (R-Sayville) to implement changes in real property tax, election and military laws to allow for additional benefits for military personnel, including active duty and deceased Veterans.

“On the same day that New York State celebrates our Veteran’s Hall of Fame in Albany, it gives me the great privilege to be part of a day that also saw the passage of these monumental changes in our law to benefit those that serve our country,” said Senator Croci, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Veterans, and Military Affairs. “This package of bills will help provide property tax relief, decrease the occurrence of voter fraud on some of our most honorable Veterans, and will allow returning Veterans the opportunity to participate in the civil service examination process, a process in which active service has been previously penalized by the lack of make-up test examinations due to active duty.”

The first bill in the package (Senate bill 3134), amends the real property tax law to entitle active military members to file for the alternative Veterans’ tax exemption by allowing members to apply for this exemption while still in uniform, rather than upon the completion of their service. Senate bill 2939 revises military and election law to provide that the absentee ballots of deceased military personnel be counted toward the election for which they were cast should the voter die before the date of the election. A change in military law (Senate bill 4852) will now allow active members of the military to participate in make-up exams of civil service tests should the test occur while the member is participating in active military duties.

The package of bills now goes to the Assembly where it is hoped to be acted upon quickly.