Thomas D. Croci

July 14, 2015


Senator Croci calls for the repeal of the controversial NYC sanctuary law in light of the recent terrorist threats and San Francisco murder of Kate Steinle by a felon in the United States illegally

New York State Senator Thomas D. Croci (R-C-I, Sayville), Chairman of the Senate’s Homeland Security, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee, called on New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio to reverse the city’s “sanctuary policy” for illegal immigrants and cooperate with Federal immigration authorities conducting appropriate deportation activities. 

“According to the Federal Department of Homeland Security, in the past four years alone 121 illegal aliens with criminal records that were released from deportation proceedings have been charged with murder after their release,” said Senator Croci.  “That’s more than one every two weeks.  The recent murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco is just the most recent example.
 However well intentioned, it is clear that a non-cooperation policy puts lives at risk and should be abandoned.  We should not be providing a sanctuary to those persons who have come here illegally, been arrested and then given the chance to avoid deportation.  In light of the increased threats posed by ISIS and terrorists worldwide, we must be smart about those who would come to New York City to harm New Yorkers.  We cannot afford to expose New Yorkers to harm for a misguided political ideology.”

Senator Croci said that other municipalities in New York State with similar practices, either formal or informal, should begin cooperating with federal immigration authorities as well.  “This is a national security and rule of law issue.  When federal authorities make a reasonable request that local law enforcement continue holding an individual already in custody, it should be respected.” 

Senator Croci also called for the reinstatement of the NYPD’s successful Stop and Frisk policy and the restoration of the NYPD Demographics and Zone Assessment units that monitored the development of possible terrorist plots in the city.

“The deteriorating security situation overseas and the growing number of attacks at home demand that we use every tool at our disposal to keep New Yorkers safe,” Senator Croci said. “We learned a terrible lesson on 9-11 about the consequences of failing to remain vigilant, and proactive, in protecting our citizens.  New York City is the number one target worldwide for terrorist attacks and we are out of time. In this climate New York can no longer justify policies that do not support the abilities to protect our residents.  If we do not give every tool to our law enforcement to protect us, we will once again be caught off guard.” 

Senator Croci also called for the Assembly and the Governor to support his legislation, already passed by the Senate, to establish a first-in-the-nation Terrorist Registry.  Senator Croci drafted his legislation in response to the identified need for a centralized state tracking system to assist law enforcement agencies with monitoring the individuals associated with carrying out domestic and foreign terrorist threats, as evidenced by the surge in homegrown acts of terror and the growing recruitment of terrorist sympathizers by terrorist groups such as ISIS.  The legislation passed the New York Senate 45-16.  The New York Senate is the first legislative body in the United States to propose and pass a registry. The need for this legislation is further demonstrated by the FBI’s recent appeal for assistance from local law enforcement and the public in helping to keep track of suspected terrorists.

“We should have learned these lessons having suffered the horrors of September 11, 2001.  The destructive forces of terrorist attacks will once again hit our shores if we do not wake up.  Wishful thinking and good intentions do not change that reality.  These initiatives strike the right balance between respecting the civil liberties of our citizens and protecting New Yorkers,”  Senator Croci said.

NYS Senator Tom Croci is the Chairman of the NYS Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Veterans and Military Affairs; was a former member of Bush Administration Homeland Security Council Staff; and served as Senior Duty Officer in the White House Situation Room.  Senator Croci is currently a Naval Intelligence Officer in the Navy Reserves.


All media inquiries should be directed to Senator Croci’s Communications Specialist, Christine Geed at (631) 398-8044 (call or text) or via email at  Inquiries for additional information should be directed to Senator Croci’s Press Secretary, Jennifer Freeman Romero at (631) 513-5657 or via email at