Statement From Senator Avella on Department of Investigation Homeless Shelter Report

Tony Avella

March 12, 2015

“Today’s report released by the New York City Department of Investigation, citing serious dangers in many of our homeless shelters, is further proof that major improvements are needed when it comes to delivering homeless services to those who need it most. During my tenure as Chair of the Senate Social Services Committee, I worked to shed light on the appalling conditions that exist in many homeless shelters across the City, including calling for an investigation into many of the concerns that this report highlights. While I am glad that an investigation was finally conducted, resulting in more than 600 violations issued to 25 shelters in Queens and Brooklyn, the horrific nature of these violations are shocking. The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) must take immediate action. As Chair of the Senate Task Force for the Delivery of Social Services in New York City, I am committed to working toward a solution and ensuring that DHS is held responsible for the major health violations brought to light by this investigation.”

Report: “City Turns 'Blind Eye' to Lethal Dangers in Homeless Shelters, Report Says”