Hoylman: In appointing climate-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, President-elect Trump has placed the proverbial fox in charge of the hen house. Everyone concerned about fighting climate change must vociferously oppose his nomination.”

NEW YORK – State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan), Ranking Member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, released the following statement today condemning President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Scott Pruitt to run the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Pruitt, a prominent climate denier with long-standing ties to the fossil fuel industry, has been a leading opponent of President Obama’s efforts to combat climate change as Oklahoma’s attorney general.

“In appointing climate-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, President-elect Trump has placed the proverbial fox in charge of the hen house. The mission of the EPA is to protect the health and wellbeing of humans and the environment, yet Mr. Pruitt’s record as Oklahoma’s attorney general reveals an individual far more interested in safeguarding the bottom line of the gas and oil industries.

“Human-induced climate change is a looming catastrophe for our city and our planet; Mr. Pruitt’s appointment poses a direct threat to all the progress we’ve made over the years in combating it. Everyone concerned about fighting climate change must stand up for the future of our planet and vociferously oppose his nomination.”