George Amedore

January 11, 2016

The New York State Senate today passed legislation (S.6377), co-sponsored by Senator George Amedore, that would completely eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) this year.

The GEA, which was first instituted in 2010 when Democrats controlled all three branches of government as a means to close a budget gap, has cost schools throughout the 46th Senate district more than $99 million in funding since its enactment, forcing them to cut programs and reduce services.

 “I have made it clear that eliminating the GEA has been one of my top priorities, and by passing this legislation today, we are taking the first step to make sure that it gets done once and for all this year,” said Senator Amedore.

In last year’s budget, Senate Republicans fought to secure $603 million to accelerate the elimination of the GEA.  $434 million currently remains statewide.     

“After last year’s budget process, schools in the 46th Senate district had, on average, approximately 85 percent of their GEA cuts restored. This year, we need to completely eliminate the remaining GEA -- there is no better investment we can make than to make sure our schools are properly funded,” said Senator Amedore.

