Senator Martins to Hold Senior Scam Prevention Program in Port Washington
July 6, 2016
- Consumer Protection
Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) will be sponsoring a program in Port Washington to help senior citizens protect themselves from scams and fraud. The program, which Senator Martins is holding with the New York State Department of State’s Division of Consumer Protection, will take place at the Port Washington Public Library (1 Library Drive, Port Washington) on Wednesday, July 27th at 1:15 pm.
Division of Consumer Protection representatives will inform residents about recent scams targeting senior citizens and teach them steps to prevent identity theft, protect their personal information, and avoid becoming a victim of fraud. Seniors will also be able to ask questions.
The program is free of charge and no RSVP is required.
Seniors who would like more information about the scam prevention program on July 27th should call Senator Martins’ office at 516-746-5924.