Senator Martins Honors Manhasset-Lakeville Firefighters for Their Years of Devoted Community Service
May 11, 2016
- Volunteer firefighters

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently attended the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department’s annual installation ceremony, where he honored several of the members for their many years of service to the Department and the communities of Manhasset and Great Neck.
Senator Martins sponsored legislative resolutions, which were passed by the New York State Senate, honoring the firefighters for their devoted service. With passage of the legislative resolutions, their contributions to the community will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.
Senator Martins (right center) and Village of Flower Hill Mayor Elaine Phillips (fourth right) are pictured with (left to right): Firefighter Samuel Brown III (25 years of service), Department President Konata Ragin (25 years of service), 2nd Deputy Chief Brian Stone (25 years of service), Tina Romeo-Karen (Posthumously for Firefighter Charles Karen, 25 years of service), Ex-Captain John Kadnar (50 years of service), Firefighter Daniel Garcia (25 years of service), Ex-Captain Sean Fagan (25 years of service), and Firefighter Sevan Yekhpairian (25 years of service) (Not pictured: Firefighter Brian Kenny (50 years of service) and Ex-Captain Rudy Baranco (25 years of service)).