Seward Dives In To Aid Fleischmanns

FLEISCHMANNS, 10/28/16 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) today joined officials from the Village of Fleischmanns to announce a $135,000 state grant to fund repairs at the village pool.
“Parks and recreation facilities are key components of every community, they enhance quality of life for residents and draw visitors to the area,” said Senator Seward. “I am extremely pleased to partner with the Village of Fleischmanns to breathe new life into the village pool without sinking the village budget.”
The Village of Fleischmanns pool has been closed for the past three summers due to major structural issues along with related upkeep and energy expenses. The grant secured by Senator Seward will allow officials to repair and replace the pool walls, construct a new pool deck, update piping, and ensure the pool meets ADA requirements and is accessible to all swimmers.
Village of Fleischmanns Mayor Donald Kearney said, “The people of Fleischmanns are incredibly grateful to Senator Seward for his support of the pool repair project. The village pool is an important community asset and thanks to Senator Seward we will now be able to rebuild the pool without placing an additional burden on village taxpayers.”
Village of Fleishmanns Trustee and Deputy Mayor Harriet Grossman said, “The pool has been sorely missed by residents of Fleishmanns and the surrounding area, a sentiment I expressed to Senator Seward when I first approached him about this issue in 2015. I can’t wait to once again see swimmers of all ages and abilities in the water at the village pool. We are so appreciative of Senator Seward for recognizing this essential community need.”
Tentative plans call for the village to complete engineering and planning during the winter months with bidding and construction taking place in spring 2017 and completion of the project by the Fourth of July weekend.
“Swimming is terrific for good health and fitness and it is a skill that can be a life saver. The tradition of children learning to swim at the Fleishmanns’ village pool will return and everyone will be able to take a dip on a hot summer day,” Seward concluded.