Seward to Host Senate Heroin Task Force

Jeff Bishop, Communications Director

February 10, 2016

ONEONTA, 02/10/16- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I–Oneonta) will be in Otsego County, TUESDAY, February 23rd, at SUNY College at Oneonta.

Senator Seward, a member of the Joint Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, will host a roundtable discussion to solicit input from area stakeholders on the heroin epidemic.  The co-chairmen of the task force, Senator George A. Amedore, Jr., Senator Terrence Murphy, and a representative for Senator Robert Ortt, will take part in the forum along with local health care professionals, addiction experts, and law enforcement officials.

“In 2014 I conducted a similar task force hearing in Oneonta and the testimony was instrumental in helping develop a number of new state laws to educate the public about the dangers of heroin, improve treatment options, and aid law enforcement officials,” said Senator Seward.  “This will be an opportunity to review what is working in our communities and identify gaps in service as we explore additional measures to contend with this public health crisis.”

The roundtable forum is one of several being conducted around the state to solicit input and develop recommendations for legislative action.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend and observe the proceedings.   Panel members are by invite only, however, all are welcome to submit written testimony.  The forum will also be webcast live.


*Joint Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction;

*12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.;        

*SUNY College at Oneonta;

*Hunt Union Ballroom;



