Seward Works to Keep New Yorkers Safe

Jeff Bishop, Communications Director

June 16, 2016

ALBANY, 06/16/16 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) today announced senate passage of a bill (S.3464) he co-sponsors that would establish the “New York State Terror Registry.”  The public-safety measure would require anyone convicted of state or federal crimes of terrorism to register with the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and would make their non-confidential information available to the public.

“Terrorism is among the gravest dangers we face as Americans, and the number of threats against us is growing daily,” said Senator Seward.  “It is vital that we are aware of individuals who wish to do us harm and we need to employ every single tool at our disposal to maintain the public’s safety and well being.  By creating a terrorist registry we can help protect lives, our freedoms, and all that we hold dear.”

Senate bill 3464  is modeled after Megan’s Law, which established the New York State Sex Offender Registry. If someone’s conduct has previously resulted in a conviction for crime of terrorism, he would be required to complete a standardized registration form. The appropriate law enforcement agency, or the Department of Corrections if the individual is confined, would then collect a current photograph, fingerprints and DNA sample. These materials would then be made available to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.

Persons would be added to the New York State Terrorist Registry only after their past conduct resulted in a conviction for crime of terrorism or a federal action taken against them for committing a verifiable act of terrorism. Registrants can petition to supreme court to have their names removed if such court finds that circumstances so justify the removal. The registration and verification are neither over burdensome nor complex.

“The horrific terrorist attacks on 9-11, in Orlando and San Bernardino have proved that we must take steps to shore up our security against potential threats.  Terrorist networks like ISIS and Al Qaeda are encouraging attacks on America and we must use any and all knowledge that we may have to thwart such evil acts.  The New York State Terror Registry will help heighten our vigilance and keep families safe,” Seward concluded.

The bill has been sent to the assembly.



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