Statement from Senator Seward on Passing of Former New York State Assembly Minority Leader Clarence "Rapp" Rappleyea
Jeff Bishop, Communications Director
September 5, 2016
ONEONTA, 09/05/16 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) today commented on the passing of former New York State Assembly Minority Leader Clarence "Rapp" Rappleyea:
"I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Clarence 'Rapp' Rappleyea, a dedicated public servant, unparalleled leader, and a great mentor to many - including me. Rapp worked tirelessly for his constituents and, as New York State Assembly Minority Leader, the greater needs of all state residents. He was able to find common ground with others no matter their politics and was universally respected and liked. I was proud to work closely with Rapp and call him a friend. My sympathies to his family, friends, and all who knew him."