Senator Flanagan Sponsoring Blood Drive In Smithtown
June 9, 2016
- Blood donation

To schedule an appointment or for more information, please click here to visit the NYBC electronic sign up website.
With the New York Blood Center (NYBC) declaring a blood emergency, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) is joining with Long Island Blood Services to sponsor a blood drive on Thursday, June 30 at the Main Branch of the Smithtown Library. The event will be held from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the library, which is located at 1 North Country Road in Smithtown.
NYBC is asking for help to rebuild the blood supply for the summer season and encouraging anyone who can give to donate at scheduled blood drives or centers nearby.
With close to 2,000 donations needed every day to meet the demand in our region, it is estimated that every donor’s effort will help to save up to three lives. Those in need of blood include cancer patients, accident, burn, or trauma victims, newborn babies and mothers delivering babies, transplant recipients, surgery patients, chronically transfused patients suffering from sickle cell disease or thalassemia, and many more.
Each donor will receive an electronic voucher for two tickets for a New York Mets game courtesy of the New York Blood Center.
The entire donation process takes less than an hour and a single donation can be used to save multiple lives. Donors with O-negative blood type, or “universal donors,” are especially encouraged to donate, as their blood can be used in emergencies. Nearly 2,000 donations are needed each day in New York and New Jersey alone. About one in seven hospital admissions requires a blood transfusion, and with a limited shelf life, supplies must be continually replenished.
All residents who are eligible to donate are invited to join the event. Participants are required to meet the following criteria for their own safety:
- Minimum weight 110 lbs.
- Eligible ages are 16 to 75. Anyone donating who is 16 years old must have parental permission and anyone who is age 76 and over is required to supply a doctor’s note.
- No new tattoos for past 12 months
It is recommended that anyone donating should eat well and drink plenty of fluids. All donors must bring identification which includes their signature and a photo. For questions concerning medical eligibility call 1-800-688-0900.
To schedule an appointment or for more information, please click here to visit the NYBC electronic sign up website.
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