Senator Ken LaValle: Senate Budget Makes Strong Commitment To Our Schools

Kenneth P. LaValle

March 15, 2016

March 14, 2016 – Senator Ken LaValle released highlights of the local education portion of the Senate Budget, which makes another strong commitment to our schools, providing a $1.6 billion or 7.15 percent increase in year-to-year spending.  

Senator Ken LaValle said, “In January, I pledged to fight for additional aid for our schools and to eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA), which forced many schools to cut educational programs and reduce services.  The budget we passed in the Senate today provides the level of funding necessary for our schools to maintain a quality education for our children and keep school taxes under control.”

Senator LaValle continued, “Less than two months ago, my legislation was approved to completely eliminate the GEA this year.  I’m happy to report that now, under our budget, the GEA would be completely eliminated this year.  We also have proposed making the STAR tax rebate permanent.  The Senate education budget will provide for a quality education for all Long Island students. ”

  • The Senate budget makes another strong commitment to our schools, providing a $1.6 billion or 7.15 percent increase in year-to-year spending. 
  • It does away with every dollar that remains of the Gap Elimination Adjustment ($436 million) this year.
  • Makes the STAR rebate program (School Tax Relief Program) permanent
  • Adds $10 million to the library construction program and $5 million in library aid funding to the Governor’s budget proposal
  • Requires school districts to hold public votes for capital projects on the same day as the annual budget vote in May

