Senator Parker Host Free Mammography Event

Kevin S. Parker

July 21, 2016

BROOKLYN, NY (7/21/16) –On Wednesday, July 20th,State Senator Kevin Parker in partnership with Nachas Health & Family Network and The American Italian Cancer Foundation hosted a Free Mammography Event, graciously hosted at The Bridge Multicultural & Advocacy Project. This wonderful event, offered free mammograms for over 30 women throughout Central Brooklyn and the surrounding areas. The event was also co-sponsored by Councilman Jumaane D. Williams.

"Although Breast Cancer awareness month is in October it is very important that we continue to push initiatives around early detection all year around. In addition I appreciate our event sponsors for ensuring that this much needed service could be offered to those who are un-insured at no cost,” said Senator Parker. 

This October Senator Kevin Parker will also host a series of Free Mammography Clinics at Brookdale Hospital and Clinic. Not only is Breast Cancer the most commonly diagnosed cancer it is also the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Early detection can make all the difference in combating the disease.                                                                                                                                                                                                          ###