State Senator Kevin Parker’s Statement on Governor Cuomo’s Proposal To Pass Paid Family Leave In New York State
February 1, 2016
Albany, N.Y. – Today, State Senator Kevin Parker issued the following statement in response to Governor Cuomo’s proposal to advance Paid Family Leave legislation for the 2016 legislative session:
“I strongly support the Governor’s proposal to provide paid family leave for up to 12 weeks for working families throughout New York State. No one should have to fear loosing his or her job when blessed with the opportunity to welcome a new child into the family, or having to need time off to care for an ill loved one.”
“If passed, the 12 week policy would be the longest benefits period in the nation, making New York State a leader in advancing progressive legislation that is grounded in the principle that family comes first.”
“Paid leave has numerous benefits. It ensures economic security for working families, helps businesses retain workers, and ensures women have a place in the workforce after childbirth.”
"I support the “Strong Families, Strong New York" campaign to pass paid family leave because the benefits will be beneficial to all hard-working families throughout the State and those within my district. I plan to work with my colleagues in both chambers to get the measure to the governor’s desk before the end of session because New Yorkers can’t afford to wait any longer.”
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