Martin J.Golden
December 28, 2016
- Israel

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) has issued the following statement regarding the United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity, which the United States declined to stop at the U.N. Security Council meeting last week:
“A lame duck President and his administration should not be negotiating peace agreements and must refrain from fanning the flames of hostilities across the globe. The Obama Administration has made a significant mistake in failing to block the United Nations Security Council resolution concerning Israel. Under Obama’s leadership the United States’ foreign policy has greatly destabilized the middle east and this failure of our Nation to protect Israeli interests is another example.
Additionally, the United Nations has proven once again that it is incompetent and unable to deal with international conflicts. I have been a long time critic of the United Nations as I find the institution to be a failure and continue to advocate for the United Nations to leave New York City. In the past, I strongly opposed the rewarding of the United Nations with taxpayer dollars and the privilege of expanding in New York because it is such a mismanaged organization. In 2005, even President-Elect Donald Trump estimated that the world body stood to waste hundreds of millions of dollars due to incompetence and theft.
Today, the United Nations continues to be a financial, logistical and security burden to New York. The UN has failed in its mission to create an international forum to air grievances and an institution that strives for peaceful resolutions. In the end, lasting peace can be achieved through open and honest negotiations between Israel and Palestine. It’s is important, however, to support and defend our greatest ally Israel in that geopolitically important region. I am confident that President-Elect Trump and his administration will help orchestrate peace in the Middle East by ensuring the safety of Israel while providing acceptable terms for Palestine.”