Senator Dilan Welcomes Luis O. Reyes, Ph.D. to the State Board of Regents

Martin Malavé Dilan

March 9, 2016

Senator Dilan welcomed Luis O. Reyes, Ph.D. to the state Board of Regents on Tuesday, March 8 during a joint Legislative Session to appoint three new regents.

Reyes will serve as a Member at Large on the board. Reyes was appointed as a Research Associate at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY, in 2010. He serves as Centro’s Director of Education. Dr. Reyes has served as assistant professor in various education departments, including Lehman, Hunter, Brooklyn and Baruch Colleges, CUNY, and at Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus. Dr. Reyes received his PhD in Social Sciences in Education from Stanford University in California, and an MA in Spanish Literature from Middlebury College in Vermont. Full bio at