Senator Gianaris Calls for Increased Security Measures at MTA Facilities

(Manhattan, NY) – In the wake of recent terror attacks worldwide, Senator Michael Gianaris and Assemblymember Nily Rozic held a press conference, calling for the passage of their legislation which would implement advanced security measures at our transit infrastructure. 

“One only needs to turn on his television to know that transportation infrastructure is a prime terrorist target,” said Senator Michael Gianaris. “Allowing anti-terrorism experts to provide input on enhanced security measures will ensure we are providing the maximum protection for those riding our subways and commuter trains.”

“With continuous terrorism threats worldwide, it is important that we utilize available resources to strengthen our transit system's security,” said Assemblymember Nily Rozic. “The MTA is responsible for moving hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers every day and by bringing in the Department of Homeland Security for a thorough review, we would be taking critical steps to ensure their every day safety.”

Through the enactment of this bill, the state division of homeland security and emergency services would conduct a comprehensive security review of Metropolitan Transportation Authority facilities. Additional security measures recommended by this review would prevent persons from causing harm through the damage and destruction of the critical infrastructure of the MTA, protecting the public and our public transit.

On March 22nd, innocent lives were lost in Brussels at the Maelbeek subway station due to terror attacks. An hour beforehand, the Brussels airport also faced sudden horror. Not too long before this incident, in November of 2015, Paris underwent similar tragedies, with suicide bombers and mass shootings taking the lives of innocents. 

Senator Gianaris has authored important public safety measures, including the state's first major anti-terror law after the September 11th attacks. The Energy Security Act, also penned by Senator Gianaris, has become a national model, which strengthens security at New York’s power plants and transmission centers using a similar model to that proposed in this legislation.