Patty Ritchie

March 29, 2016

Each and every day, libraries across our region—as well as our state—open their doors and invite patrons into a world of knowledge, learning and entertainment.  From April 10th to 16th, we recognize libraries for the tremendous services they provide to our communities, as well as promote their use through “National Library Week.”

Established in 1958 with a goal of encouraging more people to read, National Library Week is sponsored by the American Library Association.  Every year, the Association selects a theme, and this year’s is “Libraries Transform.” Special celebrations throughout the week include National Library Workers Day, which is held on April 12th to recognize the efforts of all who make our libraries such great centers of learning.  Libraries throughout our region will be hosting other special events too, and I encourage you to call your local library, or visit its website to find more information. 

As a member of the Senate Select Committee on Libraries, as well as a book-lover, I’ve been proud in recent years to support our libraries in their quest to connect the public with increased opportunities for learning. My recent efforts include working to secure increased funding for our libraries, which has helped them to make building improvements, expand services and more. Thanking our local libraries for the work they do has also been a priority for me, and just last year, I was given the opportunity to recognize 43 local libraries and 55 librarians in our region through  my “Love Your Library” program. 

Here in Central and Northern New York, we are fortunate to have one of the largest concentrations of libraries in New York State, with more than 50 public libraries in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties. From books and magazines to new technology and community programs, during National Library Week—and throughout the year—I hope you’ll support our local libraries by taking advantage of all they have to offer.