Ritchie Encourages Farmers Affected By Drought To Attend Meeting With Groundwater Expert

John Friot

October 20, 2016

State Senator Patty Ritchie is encouraging farmers and other interested individuals in Central and Northern New York who have been affected by the summer’s drought to attend a special presentation on October 26th featuring groundwater expert Dr. M. Todd Walter of Cornell University.

The meeting featuring Dr. Walter—a hydrogeologist who serves as Director of the New York State Water Resources Institute, Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University—will feature a discussion on the impact the drought has had on local aquifers, how long it may take wells to recover and insights on how farmers can rebound.  In addition, those in attendance will also be able to ask questions of Dr. Walter. 

“The effects of last summer’s unprecedented drought are still being felt by farmers across our region,” said Senator Ritchie, who serves as Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee. 

“The goal of this meeting is for Dr. Walter to offer expert advice on how our hardworking farmers can recover from the drought and protect themselves from damage caused by dry weather conditions in the future.”

Dr. Walter’s visit is the result of suggestions from farm tours organized by Senator Ritchie in recent months to assess the drought’s impact on the agriculture industry.

The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. in the first floor conference room of the Dulles State Office Building in Watertown and is open to the public. 

Those interested in attending the October 26th meeting are encouraged to pre-register by calling (315) 782-3418.