Ritchie: Kick Start Your Career in Farming Through New Farmers Grant Program

Patty Ritchie

October 21, 2016


Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Senator Patty Ritchie is encouraging people who are interested in pursuing careers in agriculture or just starting out as farmers to apply for the “New Farmers Grant Fund,” an initiative she created that helps provide those new to the industry with the support they need to be successful.

Through the New Farmers Grant Fund, $1 million will help provide grants of up to $50,000 to new and beginning farmers for the purchase of equipment, supplies and other necessities essential to an agricultural business.  Once again this year Senator Ritchie fought for funding to make the program—which is now in its third year and to date has allocated $1.4 million in grants to 41 farms across the state—possible. 

"Across our state, the New Farmers Grant Fund is providing people who are new to agriculture with the resources necessary to start their businesses, and those who are just starting with the support they need to continue on the road to success,” said Senator Ritchie.

“I have been proud to advocate for funding of the New Farmers Grant Fund and would like to thank the Governor for recognizing the importance of this program, which will continue to help to protect the future of our state’s leading industry.”

This year, the New Farmers Grant Fund has eliminated the 150 acres or less requirement and will accept applications from agricultural operations of all sizes.  Full guidelines for applying can be found here.  The deadline to apply is January 27, 2017. 

Advocating for funding of the New Farmers Grant Program is just one way that Senator Ritchie is working to protect the future of family farming in New York State.  In 2016—for the second year in a row—she was successful in securing record funding to support New York’s agriculture industry, averting millions of dollars in proposed cuts to farm programs and strengthening efforts to recruit the next generation of New York farmers.