Statement From Senator Patty Ritchie

Patty Ritchie

July 14, 2016

Vibrant downtowns are the foundation that so many thriving communities are built on and today, I couldn’t be more pleased that the City of Oswego has taken home the top prize in the Governor’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative.

This important funding has the potential to transform the City of Oswego—to help make upgrades to existing buildings, move forward with new, innovative projects and to connect different parts of downtown in a way that makes our entire region stronger. And, it’s that transformation that will help attract new people to Central New York, create jobs and boost our local economy.

I would like to thank the Governor for recognizing the potential Oswego has for growth and congratulate our local leaders on winning this competition. I look forward to seeing how this new investment helps to revitalize the City of Oswego, and its surrounding communities.