Statement from New York State Senator Rich Funke

Rich Funke

November 29, 2016

New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has vetoed a bill (S.7833/A.10584) proposed by Senator Rich Funke that would make more fresh food from New York farms available to those in need. Titled the Farm to Food Bank program, the legislation would create a modest tax credit for donations made to emergency food programs by New York farmers to help offset the cost of related transportation and processing. Endorsed by the New York Farm Bureau, Foodlink, Hunger Action, the League of Conservation Voters and more, the proposal passed both houses of the New York State Legislature with widespread bipartisan support. 

In response to the veto, Funke issued the following statement: 

"I'm disappointed the farmers who work hard to grow the food we eat and want to give some away to those in need will be denied a common sense solution to cover their expenses. This veto comes as the Governor is instead willing to throw millions in tax breaks at Hollywood producers. Our Farm to Food Bank bill earned strong support on both sides of the aisle and in both the public and private sectors. We'll try again next year." 

For more on the Farm to Food Bank program, visit: