Susan Serino

June 9, 2016

HYDE PARK, NY—Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park) today commended a group of local high school students for their academic achievements and their distinct community leadership. The Senator honored the work of the students by presenting them with NYS Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Awards at a reception in her Hyde Park District Office on Friday June 3, 2016.

“I am in awe of all that these young people have been able to accomplish,” said Senator Serino. “At a time when too many fail to see the potential in our next generation, it is beyond encouraging to meet a group of students who are playing an active role in shaping our community. Each and every one of these students has a bright future ahead of them and we are not only proud, but incredibly fortunate, to be able to count them as sons and daughters of the 41st Senate District. I wish them the very best of luck in their future endeavors.”

The students were nominated for the awards by members of the community who recognize them as promising young leaders that excel both academically, and through their extracurricular and volunteer activities.

Awardees Include:

  • Eric Kulkarni (Roy C. Ketcham High School) 
  • Patrick Bubel (Our Lady of Lourdes High School) 
  • Raphael Beretta (Our Lady of Lourdes High School) 
  • Garrett Burnett (Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School) 
  • Brandon Gacer (Beacon High School) 
  • Emilie F. Hostetter (Tabernacle Christian Academy) 
  • Philip Scarano (Roy C. Ketcham High School) 
  • Linsky Lundy (Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School) 
  • Oreoluwa Odeniyi (Roy C. Ketcham High School) 

