HYDE PARK, NY—With the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation currently entertaining a proposal with the potential to raise legislative salaries by 47%, Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park) today released the following statement in opposition.

“At a time when too many families are struggling to make ends meet and their confidence in their government seems to only be dwindling, it is absolutely appalling to me that anyone would consider a 47% pay raise for politicians. The proposal put forth by the Commission is not only excessive, it is a slap in the face to the hard-working men and women of New York who are painstakingly trying to get ahead.

While we are working hard to eradicate the dysfunction that once plagued Albany, and while we are making significant strides in improving our state, I stand vehemently opposed to the excessive proposal on the table.

Public service is not about the payday, it is about the people. The Governor has publicly challenged lawmakers to make a case for their own raises. Until New York is thriving, until people across the state are reaping the rewards of a growing economy and until they have a renewed faith in their government, let the record show that I absolutely do not support a pay increase for state legislators.”
