Murphy Announces Support of 2016-17 State Budget

Terrence Murphy

April 1, 2016

ALBANY, NEW YORK - Since being elected to local office in 2009, State Senator Terrence Murphy has fought to lower the infamous tax burden associated with New York State and the Hudson Valley.  On Thursday, the freshman Senator from Westchester approved a state budget that delivered a historic tax cut for residents of the Empire State.

"It is no secret that New York residents, especially in the Hudson Valley, continue to battle incredibly strong headwinds to be able to afford to live here," Senator Murphy said. "This comprehensive package will be directly felt in the pockets of middle class taxpayers and actually provide real relief."

The budget lowers personal income tax rates through a package, that when fully phased in, provides a twenty percent income tax rate cut affecting an estimated four million middle class families across New York. This will stand as the lowest personal income tax rate since 1946.

In addition to providing significant tax relief, the budget Senator Murphy approved also fulfilled his promise of record school aid and the full restoration of the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA). The GEA was first imposed in 2010 by former Governor David Paterson and shifted critical dollars from our local classrooms to plug glaring holes in the state budget caused by pure fiscal mismanagement of a one party rule system, Murphy said. Hudson Valley schools were disproportionately affected by having significant dollars driven to schools in New York City. Last year alone, Senator Murphy led the charge to return $603 million to local classrooms across the state and vowed to restore the remaining $434 million in this year's budget.

"I know the value of an education and as a father with three children in public schools I know how important it is to ensure our local classrooms receive the funding they need to provide the superior level of education New Yorkers have come to expect," Murphy continued. "While the GEA has slowly been repaired over the past few years, its final elimination will put real dollars in the classrooms of the Hudson Valley. I am proud to have led this fight since coming to Albany and appreciate the hard work by our local school superintendents, school board members, faculty and staff who have partnered with me to see this through."

This year's budget also ensures a fair living wage in the future for New York's workers in a responsible manner, Murphy said. Over the course of six years, portions of New York State will see the minimum wage increase, with the protections of regional economic parameters, studies overseen by the Division of Budget and overall condition of our economy. 

The budget also includes provisions that creates the most comprehensive paid family leave program in the United States. By enacting this plan, family members when qualified will have the peace of mind knowing they will be eligible for twelve weeks of paid family leave to care for an infant, family member in serious health condition or if a member is serving in active military service.

"Small businesses are the backbone of our economy," Senator Murphy, who owns and operates his own medical office, explained. "This budget strikes the right balance of protection for our small business owners while providing responsible equity for our employees. Rather than fall victim to wage boards and the dangerous implementation of a flat rate minimum wage, this sensible plan will usher in a fair income level that meets certain triggers and parameters to ensure our state and regional economies can support it. Lifting people above the federal poverty level will greatly reduce the burden on taxpayers to fund social services, which in the end, help both taxpayers and employers."

Lastly, through Senator Murphy's leadership as Chairman of the New York State Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Abuse, this year's budget provides additional funding focused on tackling the growing issue of addiction in New York State. With $166 million dedicated to this cause, New York is making a bold statement when it comes to supporting the four prongs for dealing with addiction.

"By securing this money we will save lives," Senator Murphy explained. "Our task force has traveled to the four corners of our state and it has been made abundantly clear that more help is needed in order to eradicate New York of this epidemic. With $25 million in new money, we are making a strong statement for the rest of the nation to follow, that New York is not backing down from this fight and we will not rest as long as there are people in recovery seeking our help."

"No budget is perfect but this has given us the opportunity to provide significant tax relief for residents and small businesses, create a paid family leave program for hardworking taxpayers, fulfill our promise to deliver critical dollars to our local schools, provide a responsible timeline for a living wage for low-income New Yorkers and enhance our commitment to combating addiction," Senator Murphy concluded. "Considering where we could have ended, I believe this budget puts New York on a responsible trajectory for a prosperous future."