Murphy passes bill recognizing fallen Lewisboro Marine

Terrence Murphy

May 9, 2016

LEWISBORO, NY – Senator Terrence Murphy continued to prove his commitment to the Hudson Valley’s veterans by passing legislation in recognition of a fallen American hero.  In recognition of the bravery displayed by a Marine under fire, Senator Murphy has sponsored a bill designating a portion of highway in Lewisboro as the Marine Lance Corporal James J. Jackowski Highway.

“Dedicating this section of a state highway will ensure that Marine Lance Corporal Jackowski’s name will be honored and remembered for all time,” Senator Murphy explained. “This highway will be there a hundred years from now. His name will always be there and outlive all of us. Generations to come will remember that he was a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of his country.”

James J. Jackowski had a passion for cooking from an early age. He furthered his interest while attending John Jay High School in Katonah. Jackowski enlisted in the Marines during his senior year, intent on enhancing his cooking skills. His culinary talents, dedication to his duties, and his fun-loving and thoughtful personality made everyone who came in contact with Lance Corporal Jackowski love and respect him. He genuinely cared for others, displaying his compassionate nature on a daily basis.

Tragically, Corporal Jackowski was one of 239 Marines killed in the Beirut, Lebanon when his barracks was bombed on October 23, 1983.

“Corporal Jackowski stood courageously in defense of our freedoms. We are proud to help remember his life and pay tribute to his service,” said County Legislator Francis Corcoran. “This stretch of highway will serve as a reminder that Corporal Jackowski’s spirit lives on in all of us. He is not just a Lewisboro hero, he is an American hero.”

“Compared with most other towns, Lewisboro is an idyllic community,” said Lewisboro Town Supervisor Peter Parsons. “It is all too easy to forget what we owe to Corporal Jackowski and his comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It is particularly important that we remember Corporal Jackowski by naming a portion of Route Thirty-Five in his honor.”

The section of highway designated in Corporal Jankowski’s honor begins in Lewisboro at the intersection of Route 35 and State Route 124, terminating at the intersection of Route 35 and Ridgefield Avenue. Route 35 runs directly past Corporal Jackowski’s home.