Murphy sponsors summer reading program
June 10, 2016
YORKTOWN, NY - As the school year draws to a close, anxious young student's thoughts turn to summer vacation, which means time away from school and studying. To keep school age children interested in learning, Senator Terrence Murphy has partnered with the New York State Library to create the 2016 Summer Reading Program. The them of this year's summer program is "On Your Mark, Get Set...READ!"
"As a father of three school aged children I know this is a fun way to keep kid's minds active during the summer months and helps prevent 'summer learning loss,' the loss of knowledge and skills that occurs during summer vacation," Senator Murphy said. "Childhood reading has proven to help kids improve their speech, communication and logical thinking skills."
Students in the fourth to the sixth grade are eligible. Participants will be supplied with appropriate reading lists and a list of public libraries. Students will use an online journal (which is linked from Senator Murphy's webpage to www.nyread.com) to keep track of their reading progress throughout the summer. Parents and guardians can also use the special website to stay up to speed on their child's progress.
When students complete their journal, they will be sent a special "Summer Reading" certificate from Senator Murphy recognizing their hard work. Hardcopies of the journal and other materials can be furnished upon special request.
Entries must be received by August 31st. For more information about the Summer Reading Program, contact Senator Murphy's office at 914-962-2624.