Murphy sponsors Yorktown senior health fair

Terrence Murphy

May 26, 2016

YORKTOWN, NY - Seniors were invited to join Senator Terrence Murphy at a free senior health fair today a the Yorktown Community Cultural Center in Yorktown Heights. Sponsored by Senator Murphy, the Town of Yorktown and AFC Urgent Care, the health fair featured local vendors providing free health screenings, including BMI evaluations, blood pressure checks, blood sugar screenings and osteoporosis evaluations. Experts were on hand to answer questions on topics including sleep apnea, tick bites, summer health safety and ear infections.

"We want to recognize the many contributions senior citizens have made to our community through the years by showing them the services that are available to them as they get older," Senator Murphy said. "This resource fair helps connect seniors with organizations that can help them remain healthy and independent."

Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Medical Director for AFC Urgent care, said, "One of our primary concerns is improving the quality of life for people in our community. Affordability is a critical issue in health care. We believe that urgent and primary care should be accessible to everyone, especially our senior population, so we are happy to participate in this health fair."

During the health fair, Senator Murphy partnered with the Yorktown Police Department to institute a "Shed the Meds" Program. Seniors who bring their unwanted or expired medications to the health fair will have the opportunity to dispose of them.

"We are proud to work with Senator Murphy to help take prescription drugs off of the streets," said Yorktown Police Lieutenant Robert Noble. "Any senior who comes to the health fair can bring their old medications in and we will get rid of them in a safe manner. 'Shed the Meds' runs around the clock. After the health fair, we encourage anyone who wants to rid themselves of their expired or useless medications to bring them to the station. We do not want potentially dangerous medications to get into the wrong hands."

Seniors were able to bring type of medication for disposal. Safe disposal helps protect the environment and eliminates the risk of these drugs getting into the hands of small children or those who might misuse them. Improper disposal of medications, such as pouring them down the drain or flushing them down the toilet, can potentially pollute local waterways.