Senator Murphy steps up to stop falls

Terrence Murphy

September 23, 2016

Sponsors National Fall Awareness Day Program with Phelps Memorial Hospital Center and the Town of Mount Pleasant

MOUNT PLEASANT, NY - It may have been the first day of fall, but a different type of fall, and ways to prevent them, was the subject of an extensive program at the Mount Pleasant Community Center.

On Thursday, September 22nd, Senator Terrence Murphy partnered with Phelps Memorial Hospital Center and the Town of Mount Pleasant to sponsor a Fall Prevention Day Awareness program. The program included information about the dangers of falls and activities to keep adults and seniors fit and flexible. Featured activities included balance training, Tai Chi, line dancing and Zumba Gold.

"A fall can compromise a senior's quality of life and independence. Every year one in three American adults over the age of sixty-five is injured in a fall," said Senator Murphy. "Fall Prevention Day is an opportunity to share with older adults ways they can stay active, independent, and safe in their homes through simple safety measures and exercise. All our local hospitals including Phelps, offer services that can help seniors. Seniors shouldn't be afraid to reach out to them."

"Falling does not have to be an inevitable part of aging," said Mount Pleasant Town Supervisor Carl Fulgenzi. "The purpose of today's event is to raise awareness about the dangers of falls and give our seniors information that will help reduce preventable injuries. We appreciate the efforts of Senator Murphy and Phelps Hospital to keep our seniors healthy and safe."

"Phelps Hospital is proud to co-sponsor this National Fall Prevention Awareness Day event with Senator Murphy and the Town of Mount Pleasant," said Phelps Memorial Hospital Center President and CEO Daniel Blum. "Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for those 65 years of age and over. After falling, some people become afraid that they'll fall again and this fear may cause them to limit their activities. This leads to reduced mobility and loss of physical fitness, which ends up actually increasing their risk of falling.

"Phelps recognizes that having good balance is particularly important as people age. That's why we established several programs to help prevent falls among older adults, including a Balance Center, a scientifically proven program to improve balance called A Matter of Balance, and tai chi classes."

As an added service to the community, Senator Murphy and the Mount Pleasant Police Department teamed up to offer his "Shed the Meds" program. The program had been such a success in when it was offered in Mount Pleasant in August that a return to the area seemed fitting. By bringing their unwanted or expired medications to the Center for safe disposal by the police, residents were helping to keep potentially hazardous drugs from getting into the wrong hands.