O'Mara, Lupardo and advocates to announce legislation requiring testing for lead in schools on Tuesday ~ Read more
June 6, 2016
- lead testing

MEDIA ADVISORY: Tuesday, June, 7, 2016
Jordan Levine (NYLCV) 917-392-8965 / jlevine@nylcv.org
James Meddleton (O'Mara) 518-455-2091 / meddleto@nysenate.gov
Jeffrey Quain (Lupardo) 518-455-5431 / quainj@nyassembly.gov
ALBANY – Amid a growing flood of reports of lead in school drinking water around the state and the country, a coalition of legislators and New York public health, environment, and healthy schools advocacy groups will present legislation that will attempt to bring this crisis under control.
Lead is a major health hazard, especially for young children. It has been found in drinking water schools in Binghamton, Ithaca, Rochester, and across Long Island.
The groups will present S.7103A (O'Mara)/A.9687A (Lupardo) and discuss the details of the newly amended legislation.
WHAT: Legislators and advocates discuss the newly amended Safe School Drinking Water Act.
Senator Thomas O'Mara
Assemblymember Donna Lupardo
The Healthy Schools Network
The New York League of Conservation Voters
The New York Public Interest Research Group
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
WHEN: Tuesday, June 7 at 11:30 A.M.
WHERE: Capitol Building, 3rd Floor outside of the LCA Room
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