NYS Department of State Extends Deadline for Cease and Desist Testimony
October 4, 2016
Queens, NY – This afternoon, Senator Tony Avella was notified that the Department of State will continue to accept testimony and other evidence of intense and repeat solicitation by real estate brokers and sales people until October 31st. Community members are encouraged to submit testimony to Senator Avella’s District Office or directly to DOS.
Last month, DOS hosted two public hearings, one on September 14th and another on September 15th, at P.S. 115Q in Bellerose and Bayside High School, respectfully, to effectively gauge the need for a “cease and desist” zone. A number of homeowners from various neighborhoods testified that they feel harassed by real estate agents who send letters, leave flyers, and knock on doors to pressure them into selling their property.
The address for Department of State is:
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231