Senator Avella Congratulates Earth Day Art Contest Winner for his Senatorial District
Andrei Vasilescu
June 22, 2016

Queens, NY - Today, State Senator Tony Avella praised Isiah Oliver, a student at I.S. 238, for being the 11th Senatorial District winner of the State Senate’s Earth Day art competition. The yearly contest asks students to submit their artwork depicting the importance of taking care of the environment, and the green-friendly ways to do it.
Isiah Oliver, a sixth grader at the I.S. 238 Susan B. Anthony School, won the competition out of the 62 contestants in the Senator’s Senate district. Senator Avella presented an enlarged version of Isiah’s artwork in front of Isiah’s class. The poster was displayed in the Legislative Office Building in Albany, alongside the artwork of winners from the other districts.
“The Senate’s yearly contest is a great way of promoting environmental consciousness among students across New York. Reversing global warming, cleaning our oceans, reducing massive amounts of waste, keeping our drinking water safe – these are all responsibilities that today’s students will inherit tomorrow. By instilling a sense of concern for the environment early, the hope is that they will be better wardens of the Earth than the generation that came before them. Isiah Oliver’s artwork captures that sensitivity for the environment and shows the simple steps every one of us can take to better care of planet,” said State Senator Tony Avella.